The Ministerial Tender Board (MTB) is a Board set up within the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification to advertise, issue tender documents for, evaluate and award contracts that require the Ministry to spend between $100,000 and $500,000 to secure such contracts.

These contracts are often tied to large projects and generally require three types of procurements namely:

  1. Procurement of Goods;

  2. Procurement of Consultancy Services and;

  3. Procurement of Works (Infrastructure).

Tenders open for bidding to the MTB may be open to all Suppliers of goods and services or restrictive in nature at the discretion of the MTB.

MTB Members

  1. Permanent Secretary MMERE (Chair)

  2. Two Senior Public Officers appointed by Chair

  3. Financial Controller MMERE (Secretary)

Purchasing Limit

The Ministry advertises various tenders for potential Suppliers of goods and services (contractors) to bid for. However, the way in which each contract is advertised, evaluated and issued depends on the estimated annual value of purchases.

Chapter 7, Section 9.1 of the Financial Instructions (FIs) outlines the following as the purchasing limits and procurement procedures of goods and services that are to be purchased from Suppliers:

Purchasing Limits
Procurement Procedure
Up to $10,000
Ministry PS must approve the sole supplier based on previous experience. Verbal quotation or price confirmation prior to requisition and recorded.
More than $10,000 up to $20,000
Ministry PS must approve the supplier based on three verbal quotations.
More than $20,000 up to $100,000
Ministry PS must approve the supplier based on three written quotations.
More than $100,000 up to $500,000
Ministerial Tender Board must approve the supplier based on competitive tender.
More than $500,000
Central Tender Board must approve the supplier based on competitive tender.

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View Financial Instructions