Inspection and monitoring of prospecting and mining activities in the Solomon Islands is a function of the Inspectorate Section of the Mines Division. This function involves ensuring that the facilities and practices of holders of mining and prospecting rights comply with environmental, health and safety standards and comply with Solomon Islands’ labour standards. The Inspectorate Section sometimes relies on expert advice from the Geological Survey Division’s Geochemistry Section, particularly in cases where there may be concerns of environmental contamination from prospecting and mining activities. The Geological Survey Division’s Seismology & Vulcanology Section also carries out monitoring of seismic activities throughout the Solomon Islands and is involved in raising community preparedness for hazardous events. This involves promoting the use of early warning systems to mitigate the risks and impacts of hazards such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
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About the Inspectorate Section of the Mines Division
About the Geochemistry and the Seismology & Vulcanology Section of the Geological Survey Division