Project Name | Solomon Islands Water Sector Adaptation Project |
Effective Date | July 2014 – June 2018 |
Project Status | Completed |
SIWSAP stands for Solomon Islands Water Sector Adaptation Project. This is a climate change adaptation initiative that focuses on the capacity of targeted communities to adapt to climate change influences on scarce water resources. The Project was guided by Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles and WASH practices.
SIWSAP's key implementing partners within the Solomon Islands Government were the Water Resources Division, the Environmental Health Division and the Climate Change Division. Together with the UNDP, these government divisions implemented the Project through financial support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Project Details
Total Cost: $50,472,462 | Topic(s): Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Climate Change |
Donor Contribution: $13,250,000 (GEF/UNDP) | Call for Proposal: |
Coordinated in: Solomon Islands | Funding Scheme: GEF, Solomon Islands Government Funded |